Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Trip

Wow. What and AWESOME trip! We visited tons of places, saw many things, and had a great time with each other! I love seeing new places. My favorite historical places from this trip are Washington D.C., Fort McHenry, and Yorktown. My favorite non-historical places were New York City and Williamsberg. We visited Central park after church one Sunday and it was amazing to see all the people there.

When we were in D.C. we went to the Arlington Cemetery and saw the "Changing of the Guard." The "Changing of the Guard" is a ceremony where one guard replaces the guard that stands in front on the unknown soldier memorial, dedicated to all the soldiers we do not know who gave their lives in defence of our country.

I didn't LEARN a whole lot, but I now have a greater appreciation and understanding of our country's history. It is amazing to see the places that seem to be almost fairytale-like in the story of our country's founding.


East Side

The trip up east side was great!!

A lot of people don't have the opportunity to go and do something like that in their whole life, but i got to see things and go places in history at only 16!

I really enjoyed getting to see our capitol and White House in D.C. And I absolutely loved being in Central Park in NY!! I would love to set up a music set there and blast out some songs there!

Eating was one of my favorite parts of the trip... the cool places like Five Guys, that chinese place, etc. really made for a good time.

"*Chief? This is Smart. Maxwell Smart*" Haha! I also enjoyed the time in the car. Get Smart, Leave it to Beaver, This Beautiful Republic, Sent by Ravens, and Skillet, all kept me from being bored!


Going to Niagra falls

Hi this Clarity I wanted to say some stuff .I sawl lots of stuff. I sawl Niagara falls.


What we learned on our trip

I really liked are trip. Most of the time when we were in the car we were either sleeping, reading, playing on the Ipad, or watching the new car TVs that dad got us. We went to a lot of famous places like Jamestown and Yorktown, we went to the United States capitol, the Lincoln memorial, the Jeffreson memorial, the white house, ( don't worry we didn't get to go in) the empire state building, dylan's candy bar, 9\11 memorial, niagra falls too. We went to a ton of famous places we got to see where the twin towers stood and all those kind of things, are trip was AWESOME!


Washington D.C. . . .

. . . Was my favorite place we went to out of our whole trip. There was so much history there to be learned. I really enjoyed all the historic places we got to go to, such as the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and then all the war memorial we got to go to. History is my favorite subject and favorite thing to learn about, so on the whole it was an amazing three day stop. Oh yes and I can't forget the subway. I really enjoyed that. It was really awesome to just let go of the bar and "surf" as we called it. Someday I would like to back, possibly even to live there.


The Trip of My Life

The trip was very busy we would go from one place to another.  And wile we were driving to something that was far away we would have to watch Maxwell Smarts movies it was so tireing.  No just kidding he is very funny. One of my favorite things was the Federal Archives we went there to see the Declaration of Indepandence it was awesome seeing something that most people don't see, and that something that gave me my freedom. I liked going into Canada and finishing all three of the Lord of the Rings books in two weeks.


Our BIG Trip

I Learned a lot about our country and about the revolution and different battles that were fought to earn our freedom. I also learned a lot about the famous land marks that are here.  I did not know that one of the main reasons for the statue of liberty is that it just tells all the other world to come and live here.  Ellis Island tells a lot about immigration to the united states.  Did you know that 1/3 of Americans came from immigrated people from other places.  Actually I'm part of that 1/3. During the trip I think God was just teaching my how to be patient, and just showing me how to deal with hard situations in love.  


Visit with Reigstads in Ohio on drive home

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Running the Rocky Steps in Philadelphia

Covey ready to cross into Canada...

Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philly

Lots of Subway this trip...$25 meal for 11. Got to love it.

Criminals, now reformed, at the local open market in Philly.

Ben Franklin's grave in Philly

come Thou Fount on the Hammered Dulcimer...our wedding and adoption song...unrequested! Sweet providence.

Liberty Bell

Inside Ind Hall where Dec of Ind and Consttution was signed


Bad boys posed for this picture after losing their knives at the security check at Independence Hall...then corrupted Chloe.

Parking in Philly

Fort Mc Henry in Baltimore where Star Spangled Banner written during War of 1812

With Grampa Greg at Arlington Cemetery

White House at night.

Covey Hope and THE Hope Diamond

Bill's views of DC

Where are the girls?

New WW2 Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

Back to Washington DC